Gun Control in the Michigan House!

Gun Control in the Michigan House!

Sunday, March 19th, 2023

Chip in $10

Last Thursday the Michigan Senate rammed through 3 major pieces of gun control legislation and a House vote is likely to come as early as this week!


The 3 main bills that they’re working on are:

  • Universal Background Checks and Rifle Registration; which would criminalize private transfers of firearms by expanding Michigan’s handgun permit-to-purchase system to ALL firearms. This adds rifle and shotgun transfers to the state registry, giving MORE of your information to the government.

    It also removes the pistol permit-to-purchase exemption for transfers conducted by licensed firearm dealers who conduct instant federal background checks, meaning prospective handgun purchasers must apply for, and receive, a permit prior to being able to go to a gun store to take possession of a handgun.

  • Mandated Firearms Lockups; which will require a mandatory firearm storage law for gun owners. Those not storing firearms in compliance with this tyranny face prison time of up to 15 years and fines of up to $7,500, for unauthorized access by minors.

    In the Heller decision, the U.S. Supreme Court held that storage provisions that prevent a law-abiding American from having ready access to a firearm for self-defense are unconstitutional.

  • Red Flag Gun Confiscation laws; allowing virtually anybody to claim you’re “dangerous” and, with no proof, no day in court and no due process, government agents can show up at your house and seize your firearms, forcing you into a months or years long battle to get your civil rights and guns back.

That’s why I hope you’ll fire off this petition telling your Representatives that you want them to VOTE NO on all of these bills on the House floor.


When you’re done, please contribute to our work to stop gun control in Lansing.

The reality is, these are just the first bills they’re pushing and if they’re successful, they’ll come for more. No matter what happens in the House, this fight isn’t over!

That’s because Speaker Joe Tate has already announced that a TOTAL ban on so-called “Assault Weapons” is on the table. That means your AR-15s and HUNDREDS of other firearms could be banned if these wild tyrants decide to push it that far… and if we don’t put a stop to this.

So make a donation to our cause and help us win!

I’ll keep you informed as this fight continues.

For Freedom,

Ben Dorr,
Executive Director
Michigan Firearms Association



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