It Ends at Midnight Tonight!

It Ends at Midnight Tonight!

Friday, June 30th, 2023

Chip in $10

Midnight tonight marks the end of the second quarter, and Michigan Firearms Association is working hard to end this quarter in the ‘black.’

As I’ve been telling you for the last week, we’re in the midst of a major legal battle with the Biden White House in the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, and the costs are adding up fast.

Not to mention our ongoing expenses of fighting the radical Left tyrants in Lansing!

So, this is no time for our fundraising numbers to stall!

Some years, the fight for gun rights is slow in the summertime. That’s especially true in a non-election year like this.

Not this year.

As I mentioned, we’re immediately joining in a major legal action in the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals against Joe Biden over his tyrannical Executive Orders.

But we’re also working to maintain constant pressure on our Congressional delegation as we work to prevent Biden’s AR-15 ban, national gun registry, and Red Flag Gun Seizure push.   

Bottom line: there’s a lot going on right now, we’re expending a lot of resources to hold the line, and we’re coming up short.

Thanks to the help of so many of you, we’ve closed our fundraising shortfall to just $3,290. But we need to close this gap!

>>> DONATE $250 NOW! <<<

>>> DONATE $100 NOW! <<<

>>> DONATE $50 NOW! <<<

>>> DONATE $25 NOW! <<<

6 donations of $500 would close this gap.

So would 12 donations of $250, or 33 donations of $100! 

America is now under the control of a demented tyrant who hates our freedoms and is determined to disarm us. We must hold the line in Congress, and we must fight in court!

Help us do that; make a donation BEFORE MIDNIGHT!

For Michigan,

Ben Dorr
Executive Director
Michigan Firearms Association

Categories: Latest News


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