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Tell Your Lansing Politicians NO Gun Control in 2025!

The 2025 legislative session is roaring in Lansing and gun control bills are pouring in!

And even though the GOP took control of the Michigan House in Nov, we’re being told they’re doing deals with the Democrats on MORE gun control in 2025, to pass some of the bills MFA members stopped during the Lame Duck session.

Worse, GOP Speaker of the House Matt Hall and many more RINOs joined with Whitmer in 2023 and 2024 to pass her gun control bills. Why would we be surprised if they work with Democrats again?

Get involved! Please sign your OFFICIAL PETITION telling your State Senator and State Representative you want NO DEALS on gun control in 2025! NONE!

If we push hard, we can pressure the GOP into siding with gun owners… but ONLY if we fight like hell! So, sign your petition now!

Once you’ve done that, take the next step and become a member of the Michigan Firearms Association so we can keep fighting for you in Lansing and in D.C.!

You can get involved at!