Deadline: Midnight Tonight!

Deadline: Midnight Tonight!

I’ll get right to the point. Midnight tonight marks the end of the 1st Quarter. And with that deadline only hours way, the Michigan Firearms Association’s fundraising numbers are still under where they should be for this time of year. The media and liberal politicians...
Dangerously Low: The 1st Quarter Ends Tomorrow Night!

Dangerously Low: The 1st Quarter Ends Tomorrow Night!

If there is one thing that I’ve learned over the last ten years fighting for the Second Amendment, it’s that we are either gaining ground or losing ground — there is no neutral. Not realizing this was a mistake made by some gun owners of the previous generation,...


This Friday budget deadline is going to hit us like a freight train. Our 1st Quarter financial deadline ends on the 31st – and I’m sorry to report that we are vastly under where we need to be right now. Michigan Firearms Association (MFA) has been spending resources...
“Assault Weapons” Ban Filed!

“Assault Weapons” Ban Filed!

I know things have gone badly in Lansing under the Democrat’s control, but Congressional Democrats have just unveiled a massive ‘Assault Weapons’ ban in Washington, D.C. — and MFA members need to weigh in if we’re to stop them from passing THAT too!...
Gun Control in the Michigan House!

Gun Control in the Michigan House!

Last Thursday the Michigan Senate rammed through 3 major pieces of gun control legislation and a House vote is likely to come as early as this week! The 3 main bills that they’re working on are: Universal Background Checks and Rifle Registration; which would...